Our Story
Green, Global Generation Academy (G3) first opened in August 2012. G3 was a brand new concept for Vaughn as we were the first school to have an open classroom structure with blended learning and a focus on the arts. It was also unique as the opening of this school also structured our school by developmental levels. Pandaland has Pre-K through First Grade, G3 has Second and Third Grade, Mainland has Fourth and Fifth Grade for the elementary. This allowed us to have a focus on the academic and social needs of our students. Today we continue to have open classrooms with a focus on STEM, the arts, and technology.
G3 currently has eight pods. Each pod has 3 or 4 teachers who team and collaborate. We have 13 second- grade classrooms and 13 third-grade classrooms. For social-emotional development, we have a Positive Behavior Intervention System(PBIS) which includes teaching students social skills through our Second Step program and reinforcing it through our House System.
G3 loves to celebrate the success of our students by rewarding our students for participating in our Math and Reading Counts programs. In addition, we acknowledge a student from every classroom every week and the House of the Month, every month. We believe that all students should be at school every day so we have special activities and rewards for students who have Perfect Attendance. (no absences, no tardies, and no early dismissals).